Friday, October 9, 2009

Looking up...

Severally, I have gone through the fire for probably all the wrong reasons. I have been hurt, frustrated, trampled on... At times I have felt used, misused, abused and later accused. But in all, I have chosen to look at the bright side of life. It reminds me of the fact that I need not look to the left, right, front or behind when faced with situation that threatens to rid me of happiness. All I need to do is to look up to my heavenly Father.

They say that behind every cloud is a silver lining and I guess this is true.
But finding the bright spot behind each cloud is largely up to you!
If everything in sight looks hopeless, try to find one spot that doesn't look quite so dark.
It doesn't matter what or how!
When there's no where to turn that you can see, it's time to look above.
Our Lord will come into your heart and fill it with His love!

Think and pray until you see, just a glimmer of light.
Then one by one toss the rest behind you, until you make it bright!
Talking to God each day as hard as it is will help. Your troubles He will share and burdens bear.
So if you're troubled with no where to turn,
Just talk to Him - He's always there!

My pal says, "If life seems like a Loss, take it to the Boss, who died on the Cross and you'll have a reason to Floss." This tickles me! Remember, if care is too small to be made into a prayer, then is too small to be made into a burden! God calls upon each one of us to cast every care to Him NOW!


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